Fifteen years ago, a fitness instructor changed my skin.
During his class, he announced to the group "what you put in your body is just as important as what you put on your body." This resonated since I spent a good part of my life eating processed food and using makeup, skincare and detergents loaded with ingredients I could not even pronounce. Since that day, I try my best to use all natural organic products on my face, body, underarms, and yes - tampons, too. At the end of the day, I believe the teacher was onto something when he said take care of your whole body!
The winter months make the days much colder, putting your luscious locks in more vulnerable situations. Here are some Primp Tips that you can use to protect your hair from cold weather damage.
One word: static. Always condition your hair with a deep conditioner every time you shampoo.
Always bring a hat to cover your hair from wind, rain, and snow. No one wants the“dreaded hat hair,” so we recommend wrapping your hair in a silk scarf before putting that cozy beanie on.
If you can, skip a day of shampooing (even two). Your hair is less prone to drying out of you shampoo 3 or 4 times a week than if you do it daily.
Make sure your hair is dry before you step outside. Moisture in your hair combined with the cold air will add further damage to your hair by freezing it and causing breakage.
Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks to reduce the chance of dry, split ends.
Use natural bristles. Brushes with natural bristles help redistribute oils from the scalp to the rest of the hair and also conduct less static than plastic brushes and combs.
It may be tempting when it is cold, but soaking in hot water does damage to your hair. Hot water dries out the hair so we suggest cool or warm water when bathing.
Limit the use of blow dryers and curling irons. If you must use them, try using a leave-in conditioner first. Diffuse it on low heat, concentrating on the roots. The less you deal with styling tools, the better off you will be.
Avoid spraying perfume in hair and pay attention to the alcohol content in hair products, such as hairspray. These chemicals tend to dry hair out and leave strands brittle.
Hydration Your hair needs it too/ Using a humidifier adds moisture to the to the air—air that is typically dry due to indoor heaters.