It is officially Fall! The season of pumpkin spice lattes, caramel apples, sweaters, spooky ghosts and... dry skin?! Here are some suggestions to take care of your skin and some new daily skin care practices to try.

As you may know, your skin's hydration is directly impacted by the air moisture content. So it is easier to maintain smooth, plump, and healthy skin in the summer when it is warmer and more humid. In the summer, we also tend to eat healthier and exercise more, which promotes blood flow and keeps our skin healthy. In the transition months like September, skin loses a lot of moisture in the environment when the air is less humid. Here are a few tips to transition your skincare routine from summer to fall without causing a skin freak out.

-Continue to use your Sunscreen! The amount of UV radiation you are exposed to from the sun is not always correlated with the temperature outside. Keep your skin protected!

-Easy on exfoliation! Exfoliating is great for removing dead skin cells and smoothing out the skin, but over-exfoliation can irritate the skin, especially when it is exposed to harsher weather.

-Moisturize, but extra! Switch those lightweight gel moisturizers to something more dense and creamy. When the air is cold your skin barrier may need extra help from a richer consistency moisturizer.

Come fall, we have prepared a skincare mini makeover and maybe it is time for a new wardrobe, too!


"Our body loses moisture in hot weather under the harsh summer sun. As the summer wears on, you might notice that your face and legs feel dryer and appear a little more flaky. Keep your skin thoroughly hydrated, use a fresh cleanser that provides more hydration, or apply a hydrating face mask. It may sound cliche but 2 to 3 liters of water during summer work miracles! Our skin deserves to look gorgeous and hydrated even in the summer!"


There are many ways for companies to show their employee appreciation: half days, meals, a bonus, a trip and a day off. another effective way is a spa event. For many years we have been providing spa services for company events and it is a definite crowd pleaser. It is amazing how much a brief service like a 10-minute chair massage, mini-facial or a manicure can make such a difference. It is always appreciated and a very affordable way to show a lot of love.


Last week, I was sitting across from my 82-year-old mother and found myself staring at her face. Something was slightly different. Her skin looked firmer, healthier-glowing a bit. I had not seen her in a few weeks so the thought of a little plastic surgery did cross my mind. She joked for years about a little nip and tuck here and there but she would tell me right? So of course, I said something. I told her how great she looked (because she did) so she had the opportunity to spill the beans. She said, β€œit is the cream you told me about.” I could not believe my ears that I was getting all the credit for introducing her to this wonderful organic skincare line I discovered about 10 years ago called Savor Beauty. I was excited to think that my skin may look like hers when I am her age since I use the line religiously twice a day. It truly is an amazing line and I think it works!


Fifteen years ago, a fitness instructor changed my skin.

During his class, he announced to the group "what you put in your body is just as important as what you put on your body." This resonated since I spent a good part of my life eating processed food and using makeup, skincare and detergents loaded with ingredients I could not even pronounce. Since that day, I try my best to use all natural organic products on my face, body, underarms, and yes - tampons, too. At the end of the day, I believe the teacher was onto something when he said take care of your whole body!